Discussions on Modern Gnosticism in Post-War Germany and the Performative Aspect of the "Gnostic Recidivism" Concept by Odo Marquard

  • Artem Solovev
Keywords: Modernity, Gnosticism, Neognosticism, Philosophy of History, Hermeneutics, Performative Aspect of the Text, Skinner, Marquard, Blumenberg, Taubes, Voegelin


The theories of modern Gnosticism in post-war Germany are being examinedinthe paper. These theories provide the context for the formation of the concept of the “Gnostic Recidivism” by German philosopher Odo Marquard (1928-2015). The paper defines the specific contours of the performative aspect of his concept. It proposes to use the methodological approach of the Cambridge School of Intellectual History for this purpose. Contemporary studies either overlook the question of the performative aspect of Marquard's concept of the “Gnostic Recidivism” or characterize it in a highly generalized manner. The paper identifies the positions of the main participants in the discussion on the connection between Gnosticism and Modernity in German thought during the second half of the 20th century. This is necessary to determine the performative side of Marquard's concept of Neognosticism. The main contours of Marquard's philosophical anthropology and philosophy of Modernityare determined. Hisunderstanding of Modernity as a means to overcome medieval Gnosticism and the philosophies of history of the New Age as antimodern gnostic phenomena is examined. Ultimately, through the concept of “hermeneutical civil wars”, Marquard's performative aspect of the concept of the “Gnostic Recidivism” is defined as a call to renounce the struggle for an “absolute text” and to cultivate pluralistic hermeneutics, “polymythicity”,“multiversal history”,“enlightened polytheism”, and “acceptance of the world as it is”. From his point of view, this can be achieved through a “separation of powers”, that is, through skepticism that eliminates the possibility of establishing monopolies in any sphere of societal life.


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How to Cite
Solovev, A. (2023). Discussions on Modern Gnosticism in Post-War Germany and the Performative Aspect of the "Gnostic Recidivism" Concept by Odo Marquard. Stasis, 11(1-2). Retrieved from https://stasisjournal.net/index.php/journal/article/view/250