Author Guidelines
General information
Stasis is a peer-reviewed academic journal in socio-political theory and philosophy. It covers a broad range of topics, from the purely philosophical, like negativity, to the culturally and historically specific, such as social movements, religion, and sexuality. Stasis primarily publishes original research articles and book reviews, but it has also published essays, roundtables, and translations of important works of the past into English. Aims and Scope more detailed.
Articles submitted to Stasis journal should be original and unpublished contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time.
Anyone is welcome to submit an article or book review to Stasis. We prefer that you submit articles or book reviews in English, but you may also submit them in Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian or Bulgarian. Articles and book reviews submitted in English will have priority in being considered for publication.
Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not upon the editors or the publisher. Authors of submitted papers should familiarize themselves with copyright transfer to Stasis journal, European University at St Petersburg.
The papers have to be prepared according to the ethical standards in publishing.
The review process
Members of the Stasis editorial board review all articles submitted. Pre-selected articles are then subjected to a double blind peer review. Reviewers can recommend that articles be approved for publication but revised or substantially revised and resubmitted. The review process more detailed.
Article Processing Charge (APC)
The journal is funded by European University at St Petersburg.
Submission of papers
All submissions should be sent electronically as Microsoft Word attachments to with the subject line Article submission or Book review submission. If you are submitting an article for a particular thematic issue (i.e., in response to a call for papers), you should also mention the issue's title in the subject line.
Manuscript preparation
- A manuscript submitted should contain the title of the article, information about the author(s) (academic degree, current position, current affiliation, full postal address, e-mail), abstract (150-250 words), keywords, main text, references.
- A manuscript must be no longer than 10 000 words in total.
- A manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word file (.doc or .docx).
- Preferred font PT Serif. Font size — 12 for the main text, 11 — for footnotes and in-text quotations.
- A manuscript should be double-spaced and justified.
- The following should all be used consistently: UK/US spellings, alternative spellings, grammar, punctuation, italics, Greek letters, diacritics, hyphenation, capitalization, abbreviations, and contractions.
- Quotations that are more than four lines of prose or three lines of verse should be placed in a free-standing block of text, 11 font size, no quotation marks are required.
- On author: (Derrida 2001: 328) or (Derrida 2001: 328–50) or (Derrida 2001: 328, 330)
- Two authors: (Marx, Engels 1976: 58)
- If there are two texts of the same author published the same year: (Hegel 1998a: 132), (Hegel 1998b: 53)
- If there are several works: (Derrida 2001: 328; Hegel 1998a: 132, 1998b: 53)
- If there are any technical expressions added: (see also Derrida 2001: 328), (cit. ex Derrida 2001: 328)
- If there are several references to the same text on the same page: (Derrida 2001: 328), (Ibid: 435)
- If there is only one volume of the multivolume edition: (Marx, Engels 1985, 2: 42–43)
References must be listed in alphabetical order according to the name of the first author and not numbered.
- Book:
Barchiesi, Franco (2012). Precarious Liberation: Workers, the State, and Contested Social Citizenship in Postapartheid South Africa. State University of New York Press.
The date of the first edition of the work can be mentioned in the square brackets:
Deleuze, Gilles (1994) Difference and Repetition [1968]. Trans. Paul Patton. Athlone.
A book published in translation:
Agamben, Giorgio (2000). Means without End: Notes on Politics. Trans. Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino. University of Minnesota Press.
- Book chapter:
Bataille, Georges (1988). “Letter to X, Lecturer on Hegel…” [1937]. In The College of Sociology, 1937–39, ed. Denis Hollier, trans. Betsy Wing, 89–93. University of Minnesota Press.
- Two and more authors:
Deleuze, Gilles, Guattari, Félix (1983) Anti-Oedipus [1972]. Trans. Robert Hurley, Mark Seem, and Helen R. Lane. University of Minnesota Press.
- Journal article:
McGee, Kyle (2011). “Demonomics. Leibniz and the Antinomy of Modern Power.” Radical Philosophy 168: 33–45.
Piwowarczyk, Marek (2017) “The Leibnizian Doctrine of Vinculum Substantiale and the problem of Composite Substances.” Roczniki Filozoficzne 65.2: 77–92.
- One of several volumes:
Benjamin, Walter (1999). Selected Writings, Vol. 3: 1935–1938. Ed. Howard Eiland and Michael W. Jennings. Belknap Press.
- Website:
Marx, Karl (1991) “Afterword to the Second German Edition” [1873]. Marxists Internet Archive.
Other Instructions:
- Lacunas in the quoted text should be indicated with ellipsis in the angle brackets. Example: “text […] text”
- External quotation marks: “text”, internal quotation marks: ‘text’. Example: “text ‘text’ text”.
- In order to stress the importance of particular words, it is better to use italics or bold characters.
- A mathematical dash (Alt0150 or Ctrl+-) is used between the numbers. The em dash (Alt0151 or Ctrl+Alt+-) is used in the text.
- If the sign / is used, there is an interval between phrases, but there is no gap between two words: text text / text text and text/text.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Privacy, Confidentiality and Informed Consent Policy.