Hegel's Theology and Schelling's Post-theology: the Beginning and the End of the Dialectical Method as a Political-theological Paradigm

  • Anastasia Merzenina
Keywords: Schelling, Hegel, political theology, philosophy of revelation, positive philosophy, dialectics, faith, post-metaphysical thinking, post-theology, post-politics


The article examines Schelling's late philosophy (philosophy of revelation, or positive philosophy) that proposes approaches to overcome the metaphysical attitude, as an alternative to the Hegelian dialectical method more common among thinkers. The author assumes that metaphysics and theology are closely related disciplines essentially connected to religion and politics. It is argued that philosophy is always related to political theology as a phenomenon denoting practices aligned with religious or metaphysical conceptions. Thus, metaphysics and theology are not just concepts of the world order, but also practices of imperious assertion of these concepts. On the basis of modern works concerning the problems of political theology in Hegelian philosophy, the article suggests that dialectics is an onto-theological method that has a circular logic and leads to the legitimation of the state, its representative principle and the preservation of political theology. Schelling's notions of revelation, groundlessness, immemorial being, freedom, faith, and Christian fraternity, in turn, can serve as the basis for an alternative project of post-metaphysical, post-theological, and post-political thinking. Contemporary works on political theology in Schelling's philosophy allow us to identify the characteristics of a non-political and extra-historical form of community, as well as to outline possible hallmarks of Schellingian political strategy (such as social antagonism, dissensus, parallax vision) that would resonate with Schelling's idea of post-political Christian fraternity.


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How to Cite
Merzenina, A. (2023). Hegel’s Theology and Schelling’s Post-theology: the Beginning and the End of the Dialectical Method as a Political-theological Paradigm. Stasis, 11(1-2). Retrieved from https://stasisjournal.net/index.php/journal/article/view/240