Professor of Democratic Theory,
Stasis Lead Editor

PhD in Philosophy, PhD in Political Science

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1665-3391

Department of Philosophy and Sociology
European University at Saint-Petersburg
Gagarinskaya 3, Saint-Petersburg 191187, Russia

phone: +7 (812) 383 53 17 
e-mail: amagun@eu.spb.ru


December 2004 Doctor in Philosophy, The University of Strasbourg, France (Mention très honorable avec les félicitations unanimes du jury).

May 2003 Ph.D.  (Political Science), The University of Michigan.


Fall 2017 – Spring 2018    Visiting Professor, Bard College, NY, USA.

2012 – currently Professor of Democratic Theory, European University at Saint-Petersburg

2011 – 2017 Chair of the Department of Political Science and Sociology, European University at Saint-Petersburg.

2003 – 2011 Associate Professor, European University at Saint-Petersburg

2011 – currently Part-time visiting professor, Smolny College, Saint-Petersburg State University

2003 – 2011  Associate Professor, Smolny College, Saint-Petersburg State University


Demokratia. Demon i Gegemon [Democracy. The Demon and The Hegemon, in Russian] (SPb: EUSP, 2016).

Negative Revolution (NY-L.: Bloomsbury, 2013). See Reviews in: Theory and Event, Slavonica, Stasis.

Politics of the One. Edited by A. Magun. (NY-L.: Bloomsbury, 2013) .

Edinstvo i Odinochestvo [Unity and Solitude] (Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2011).

La révolution négative. La déconstruction du sujet politique (Paris.: Harmattan, 2009).

Otrizatelnaya revoliuziia [Negative Revolution] (SPb: EUSP, 2008).


Political Theory, Aesthetics, Dialectical Philosophy, Soviet and Russian Literature and Theory, Theory and History of Revolution.


Association for Slavic and East European Studies; Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy.