Vladimir Bibikhin: His Biographical Notes and the Moscow Circle of Religious Intellectuals

  • Kristina Stoeckl
Keywords: Averintsev, diary, ideology, life, Losev


This article is a reading of Vladimir Bibikhin’s biographical notes and offers a sketch of the dynamics among the Moscow circle of religious intellectuals during the last decades of the Soviet Union and later. Bibikhin’s personal testimony and philosophical work offer an example of how the tradition of pre­revolutionary religious philosophy, Orthodox thought, and critical philosophy, survived Soviet suppression and censorship, and emerged to new life after the fall of communism. Bibikhin also reminds us that Russian religious thinkers were often read in support of Russian nationalism and he was deeply critical of this trend.

Author Biography

Kristina Stoeckl

PhD in Social and Political Sciences, Research fellow
University of Vienna, Department of Political Science
Universitätsring 1, Wien, Austria 1010
e-mail: kristina.stoeckl@univie.ac.at 


Bibikhin, Vladimir (2004). Alexej Fedorovich Losev. Sergej Sergeevich Averintsev. Moscow: Institut filosofii, teologii ii istorii sv. Fomi.

Bibikhin, Vladimir (2003). Dlya sluzhebnogo pol’zovaniya [For administrative use (A New Beginning)]. St. Petersburg: Nauka.

Yannaras, Christos (2005). On the Absence and Unknowability of God. Heidegger and the Areopagite. London & New York: T&T Clark.

Yannaras, Christos (1982). Person und Eros: Eine Gegenüberstellung der Ontologie der griechischen Kirchenväter und der Existenzphilosophie des Westens. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
How to Cite
Stoeckl, K. (2015). Vladimir Bibikhin: His Biographical Notes and the Moscow Circle of Religious Intellectuals. Stasis, 3(1). Retrieved from https://stasisjournal.net/index.php/journal/article/view/54