Performative in declaration and manifesto: on the issue of perverformative heritage
The article analyzes and reconstructs the relationship between three concepts: performative, declaration, and manifesto. Examining John Austin's performative theory as depoliticized and limiting the domains and methods of performative realization, I characterize Austin's notion of the performative as conventional. The operation of a conventional performative is possible only within the framework of a legal system. Specific historical forms of such performativity include the declaration of nullity (recognition of a marriage as invalid) and the royal/military manifesto. The use of the concept of the “performative” for analyzing the manifesto and declarative genres is deconstructed in connection with the foundations of manifestos and declarations that do not fit into Austin's restricted notion of performativity. Based on the work of Jacques Derrida on the deconstruction of performative theory, aimed at introducing elements of perversion and iterability into it, I propose to consider the performative effect of declarations and manifestos in connection with such concepts as law and justice. An examination of the texts of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen and the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Citizen shows how the repetition of the law contributes to its subversion. Based on the concept of the “performative,” I turn to the “Communist Party Manifesto,” which allows us to define the Manifesto as an attempt to affirm and realize the possibility of justice. This justice is actualized by the “illegitimate” heirs through a deconstructive performative that rips the original context and opens up new forms of struggle, ensuring a permanent movement toward justice, carried out by various participants in emancipatory politics.
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