From Binary to Quaternary: the Genesis of a New Kind of Machine Base Code

  • Andrei Glukhovskii
Keywords: Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, universal characteristic, binary calculus, binary code, blind cognition, monad, coincidental philosophy, new kind of machine, absolute machine, quaternary code, computer science


The article examines Leibniz’s project of universal calculus with a view to establishing the importance of the shift from binary code, which currently dominates modern computer science, to quaternary code, developed in coincidental philosophy. The argument that the binary calculus in Leibniz’s works represents the final version of the universal characteristic is supported by the evidence presented. The primary objective of computer science, as defined by the author, is the organisation of technically mediated human access to absolute knowledge. This endeavour coincides with the most important task of coincidental philosophy, namely the development of a new type of machine, described by Yoel Regev as absolute, which will transform the foundations of reality itself. The construction of such a machine is intended to supersede the modern binary computer. Its deployment will necessitate the collaborative efforts of philosophers and engineers. The philosophical contribution is to reorient the development of computer science toward the creation of a computer that employs quaternary calculus to compute and transform the essences of things. In conclusion, the paper demonstrates that the work of Leibniz, who first mentioned the binary calculus in 1679, and his subsequent publications provide the foundation for a transition to quaternary calculus. This transition could potentially result in the creation of a new kind of machine that provides access to and control over absolute knowledge. The paper therefore proposes that the quaternary code represents a novel and definitive realisation of Leibniz's universal calculus.

Leibniz’s universal calculus.

Leibniz’s universal calculus.

Author Biography

Andrei Glukhovskii

PhD Candidate;
“Stasis” Center of Practical Philosophy,
European University at St Petersburg, Gagarinskaya st., 6/1А,
St Petersburg, Russia;


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How to Cite
Glukhovskii, A. (2024). From Binary to Quaternary: the Genesis of a New Kind of Machine Base Code. Stasis, 12(1).