Building an objective life. The concept of activity in Pavel Florensky and Evald Ilyenkov

  • Yuliya Popova
Keywords: Florensky, Ilyenkov, activity, labour, ideal, reality


The topical debates in philosophy, devoted to the search for modes of human (and non-human) activity in areality where free activity would be possible but “pseudo-activity” or radical passivity to the point of refusal of work would not, allow us to mobilize and engage two contrasting conceptualizations of liberating activity in a conversation. Specifically, the article focuses on Florensky's concept of “concrete idealism” or “sacral materialism” and Ilyenkov's activity theory. The aim of the article is to highlight the relevance of the two different approaches of 20th century Russian philosophy, religious and Marxist, and their antagonism, yet complementarity based on a unifying element — the concept of activity. In these philosophical projects, activity is comprehended and simultaneously justified in the context of the idea of the collective inorganic body, opening the subject towards the object, or, as Florensky puts it, allowing the subject to “rise above subjectivity”. Such an activity is concerned neither with consumption, nor with pleasure, alienation, or instrumentality: these two projects of activity are filled with the pathos of liberation, even overcoming the end of history.




even overcoming the end of history.

Author Biography

Yuliya Popova

PhD Candidate
“Stasis” Center of Practical Philosophy, European University at St Petersburg,
Gagarinskaya st., 6/1А, St Petersburg, Russia


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How to Cite
Popova, Y. (2023). Building an objective life. The concept of activity in Pavel Florensky and Evald Ilyenkov. Stasis, 10(2). Retrieved from