The Logic of Fractality as a Monistic Project of Materialist Dialectics
This article traces the historical development of materialist dialectics as an independent form of thought. It undertakes a critical analysis of those authors who have considered the history of materialist dialectics in Marxist terms, for which they have proposed various conceptual schemata. In tracing these schemata, the article, moreover, addresses various articulations of the rift between Western and Eastern Marxist authors. In contrast to most critical analyses, which emphasize the distinction between these lines of thought, the article proposes an original project for materialist dialectics, issuing from the unity and identity of dialectics as a logic with practical materialism’s theory of knowledge: a consistent and defining trend in the tradition of materialist dialectics. The project’s reliance upon the principle of the identity of being and thinking, which I define as a logic of fractality, situates it as a continuation of an unbroken line within materialist dialectics, resolving, in particular, the problem of radical negativity. This raises the problem of defining the category of “totality” as a concrete category. Tackling this problem reveals the limitations of the category of “self-other,” prompting an elaboration in its stead of the category of fractality. Fractality, in its turn, is defined as an ultimate (total) relation of discontinuity (fragmentariness), taken together with its becoming. The article considers the indispensability of this category for the system of definitions within dialectical logic, demonstrating its role in justifying the attributive nature of thinking.
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