The Negative Animal

  • Oxana Timofeeva
Keywords: animal, Hegel, immanence, Kojève, negativity


In this paper, I analyze some aspects of Hegelian and post- Hegelian thought in order to demonstrate how the concepts of animality and negativity intersect in philosophical reflections on nature. In the first part, I consider the figure of the animal in Hegel’s work and show its necessary relation to negativity. In the second part, I return to Georges Bataille and Alexander Kojève’s discussion of the end of history, where negativity appears with a human face, as something that leaves animals behind. Finally, in the third part, I justify the animal’s claims on negativity as a force of transformation and change through a peculiar political ontology of the fish.

Author Biography

Oxana Timofeeva

Candidate of Sciences in Philosophy, Senior Research Fellow
Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
Goncharnaya ul., 12 str.1, Moscow, Russia 109240


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How to Cite
Timofeeva, O. (2013). The Negative Animal. Stasis, 1(1). Retrieved from