The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt: Identity and Representation as the Ways of Self-Assertion of Political Existence

  • Vladimir Brodskiy
Keywords: Carl Schmitt, political existence, representation, identity, political ontology


This work represents an attempt at a historical-philosophical reconstruction of Carl Schmitt's project of political ontology, formed by various elements of works from the Weimar period. The author’s central statement is that Schmitt's ontology reveals two sides of political existence (transcendent and present), which enter a relationship of mutual determination. The basic principles of political form, as identified by Schmitt — identity and representation — are considered in the article as the ways of realization of political being and ontologically necessary conditions for the political existence of the people. Various combinations of these principles form structures that make possible the genesis of political will. Since the political existence of the people arises from the existential differentiation of friend and enemy, identity and representation, which allow it to be realized, have a decisive ontological significance in the author's view. Due to this background political will is considered as the substance of political existence. One of the most important aspects of Schmitt's teaching during the Weimar period, the criticism of the institutions of Rechtsstat (the state of law) and liberal democracy is analyzed in the present article from the perspective of its ontological subtext. The author draws attention to the eventful nature of Schmitt's ontology, finding its most tangible expression in the procedure of acclamation. This work largely continues the research of Professor Michael Marder, developing new perspectives and directions. Thus, the focus of this work is not only the volitional nature of political existence but also the structures that make possible the genesis of political will.


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How to Cite
Brodskiy, V. (2023). The Political Ontology of Carl Schmitt: Identity and Representation as the Ways of Self-Assertion of Political Existence. Stasis, 11(1-2). Retrieved from