The Not-Whole Feminine Sexuality, the Big Other and the Other Jouissance—Rereading Seminar XX Encore

  • Changzhi Hu


Through a close reading of Lacan’s Encore seminar, this article locates the reasons and consequences of not-whole femininity. The lack of the big Other and the unnameability of the Other Jouissance can be consequences—and reasons, retroactively posited—of the female not-wholeness. Thus, the not-wholeness of female sexuality breaks down the boundary between cause and effect, form and content, and even knowledge and jouissance. Through analyzing the causes and effects of the not-wholeness, the big Other and the Other jouissance, the article argues that these three constitute Lacanian logic of impossibility, contingency, and necessity.

Author Biography

Changzhi Hu

56 Palatine Avenue, Lancaster, UK, LA1 4HF


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How to Cite
Hu, C. (2022). The Not-Whole Feminine Sexuality, the Big Other and the Other Jouissance—Rereading Seminar XX Encore. Stasis, 9(2). Retrieved from