Althusser with Machiavelli: ‘Thinking the Deed to Be Accomplished’ as a New Materialist Practice of Philosophy

  • Stefano Pippa
Keywords: Althusser, fait à accomplir, deed to be accomplished, materialism, philosophy, Machiavelli


One of Louis Althusser’s most important and abiding preoccupations was, as is well-known, the construction of a definition of materialist philosophy. Such a task, which Althusser set himself in the sixties, underwent several shifts, the most famous of which is the one from the idea of a Marxist philosophy understood as a “theory of theoretical practices” (For Marx, 1965 and Reading Capital, 1965) to the idea of philosophy as “class struggle in theory” (Lenin and Philosophy, 1971, Essays in Self-Criticism, 1976). However, this paper argues for the relevance of another and still underrated definition of materialist philosophy that can be found in Althusser, which he called in some notes from the seventies a “philosophy of the fait à accomplir.” The paper will extract and elaborate Althusser’s redefinition of materialist philosophy through a reading of his engagement with Machiavelli and will outline its specific and original characteristics.

Author Biography

Stefano Pippa

Research fellow in Political Philosophy, Department of Human Sciences for Education “Riccardo Massa,”
University of Milano- Bicocca, U06—Floor 04, Room 4124,
Piazza dell’Ateneo Nuovo, 1, 20126, Milan, Italy


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How to Cite
Pippa, S. (2020). Althusser with Machiavelli: ‘Thinking the Deed to Be Accomplished’ as a New Materialist Practice of Philosophy. Stasis, 7(2).
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