On the Question of the Antinomies of Marxism (using the example of the manuscripts of early Marx)

  • German Preobrazhensky
Keywords: Early Marx, Epicurus, atomistics, sensuality, antinomy, revolution, objectification, dialectics, alienation, reification


The article attempts to clarify the connection of two trends in Marxist ontology—revolutionary and counter-revolutionary—with the anthropological project of the early Marx. It is explained how Marx’s early studies of ancient naturalists influenced his later descriptions of the structural aspects of the functioning of capital. The question of sensuality is considered separately, and its role in the early Marxist project is interpreted in a new way. The Epicurean hypothesis of the origin of the understanding of sensuality in early Marx is introduced.


Author Biography

German Preobrazhensky

Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Tyumen State University,
6 Volodarsky Street, Tyumen, Tyumen region 625003
E-mail: e1525@mail.ru


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How to Cite
Preobrazhensky, G. (2020). On the Question of the Antinomies of Marxism (using the example of the manuscripts of early Marx). Stasis, 7(2). https://doi.org/10.33280/2310-3817-2019-8-2-46-75
Thematic Articles