Marx/Stirner: The Anarcheology of Destituent Elements

  • Eugene Kuchinov
Keywords: Insurrection, element, utopia, anarchy, destitution, Karl Marx, Max Stirner


The place where politics finds itself thanks to Aristotle, Hobbes, and Marx becomes the locus of careful anarcheological excavations aimed at releasing the elements and utopias marked with the name of Stirner. There are at least three of them: anarchy (insurrection), rootlessness (egoism), and lawlessness (union). For this purpose, a unilateral distinction is drawn between “Stirner” and Marx, which allows for doing away with the quotation marks. The purpose of this procedure is to identify the conditions for the formation of historical materialism and detect the dormant forces that it is inhabited by, albeit unable to cope with them. In continuation of the act of ontological anarchy made by Reiner Schürmann, the article unfolds the contours of the ontological programs of elemental materialism and utopian materialism, which are on the other side of historical materialism and constitute a number of unsolvable problems for it. Elemental materialism presupposes the conceptualization of inception without authority (without command), while utopian materialism addresses change without law (ends or aims without institutions). Both of these materialisms (elemental materialism and utopian socialism) are represented in historical materialism in a perverse form. Finally, there is an anarcheological shift of the original place of politics and its conceptual capture by the destituent elements.

Author Biography

Eugene Kuchinov

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Head of the Écrits Laboratory,
Minin Nizhny Novgorod Pedagogical University
1 Ulyanova Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603002


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How to Cite
Kuchinov, E. (2020). Marx/Stirner: The Anarcheology of Destituent Elements. Stasis, 8(2).
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